How to digitally market through Facebook

Facebook has become the most popular social media platform in the world, and it’s one that anyone can use to build an audience. But how do you get people to notice your brand on Facebook? Let me tell you: by using Facebook for digital marketing. In this guide, I’ll show you how to create a strong presence on Facebook with a business page, then grow your following through organic engagement and paid advertising campaigns.

  • Set up your Facebook Business Account.

  • Create a Facebook Business Page.

  • Use the right image as your Facebook cover photo.

  • Make sure you have a strong introduction to your Facebook Page.

  • Use the same profile picture across all social media channels and email marketing.

  • Tell people what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them.

  • Include links to social media platforms in your email signatures.

  • Include images in your posts and optimize them for SEO.

  • Update your blog regularly and share it on social media.

  • Invite friends and family to like your Facebook business page before launching it to the public.

  • Using Facebook for digital marketing is simple as long as you know what you’re doing


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Set up your Facebook Business Account

The first step to using Facebook to market your business is setting up a Facebook Business Account (sometimes called a Facebook Page). This will be the hub of your digital marketing efforts.

Once you have created an account, you can begin building out your page. A good place to start would be with a profile image, header image and cover photo that’s eye-catching and aligned with the overall feel of your brand. Make sure you set up some tabs as well – this will help keep visitors engaged on their way through the site.

For example, if one of your products is an e-book about how to make money from blogging then consider creating a tab for “blogging resources” or similar so visitors can easily find information related to their interests without having to dig too deep into the website itself (which might mean they leave before buying anything!).

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Create a Facebook Business Page

Creating a business page for your company is one of the most important first steps to getting started with Facebook. Business pages are more professional than personal profiles, and come with a few extra features that personal profiles don’t have. You can add links to other websites from your business page, post photos and videos, create events to promote your products/services or even host contests on Facebook!

One great feature of creating a Business Page is that you can easily modify its look and feel at any time without changing anything else on the page (like posting content). To do this simply go into “Edit Page” mode by hovering over “Pages” in the menu bar at the top right corner of any Facebook page then select “Edit Page” under Manage Admins & Settings section which takes us directly into editing our profile picture, cover photo and mission statement text box fields

Use the right image as your Facebook cover photo

When you’re setting up your Facebook Page, don’t forget to add a photo! The image is the first thing people see when they visit your page, so it’s important that you make this count. To set up your profile cover photo:

  • Choose an appropriate size for the space (1200 x 628 pixels).
  • Use only high-quality photos or images—these should be clear and well lit, with no watermarks or other distracting text in them.
  • Make sure it’s relevant to what you do and who you are as a brand; if not, people will think you’re not taking yourself seriously.
  • Think about what kind of vibe would attract potential customers/clients/subscribers (hint: probably not kittens unless that’s specifically who you’re trying to reach).

Make sure you have a strong introduction to your Facebook Page

  • Make sure you have a strong introduction to your Facebook Page.
  • Include the purpose of the page, and examples of what you will post.
  • Give a call to action at the end (e.g., click here to sign up for our newsletter).
  • Don’t make it too long or people won’t read it! Keep it short and sweet, but don’t skim on detail either.

Use the same profile picture across all social media channels and email marketing

If you use a different profile picture on Facebook than you do on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Snapchat—you’re doing it wrong. The whole point of having a single consistent image across all of your social media accounts is to create brand recognition and make sure that people know who they are interacting with when they engage with your company online.

    • Make sure your profile picture is the same across all email marketing: If someone receives an email from one of your email subscriptions (like a newsletter), then clicks through to another website where there are advertisements for various products, does the same face appear again? Or does it look like someone else entirely? This can be confusing and off-putting for some consumers. And if it looks like someone else entirely…then what happens when they go back to looking at more emails? They might think this new person is associated with your company now too!
How To Digitally Market Through Facebook
  • Make sure your profile picture is the same across all social media channels: If someone follows one account but not another (e.g., they just follow Instagram but not Facebook), then what happens when that person follows the third account later down the road? Are we going to see yet another photo showcasing yet another individual who isn’t even associated with any business whatsoever?

Watch Dan Lok Discusses “How To Start Social Media Marketing As A Beginner – STEP BY STEP”

Tell people what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them

As a digital marketer, it’s important to remember that people are generally more engaged in the content they are watching. However, you don’t want to bore them with a sales pitch or a monologue; instead, use your language skills and knowledge of your audience’s background to create an engaging conversation.

Remember: Tell them what you’re going to tell them

Tell them

Tell them what you told them

Include links to social media platforms in your email signatures

Email signatures are a great way to create links back to you on social media platforms. This lets people know that you’re active in various places, and it also gives them an easy way to connect on their preferred platform. To make sure you’re doing this correctly, including the following links:

  • Your business website (to get people there first)
  • Your Facebook page (for those who prefer Facebook over other sites)
  • Twitter profile (if they like short messages)
  • LinkedIn profile (for professionals looking for jobs or networking)
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Include images in your posts and optimize them for SEO

Facebook is a visual platform, so your posts need to be visually appealing. You can do this by including images in your posts and optimizing them for SEO. If an image doesn’t add value to the post or its message then don’t use one!

  • Create high-quality images that are relevant to your content. When creating an image make sure it’s something you can use across multiple channels (social media, email marketing). It’s also important that the image has alt tags so viewers can see what they’re looking at if they’re reading in an unsupported browser or have disabled images on their computer/device.
  • Use the same image across all social media channels and email marketing campaigns so users recognize your brand when they see it online or offline somewhere else like a billboard advertisement!

Update your blog regularly and share it on social media

Update your blog regularly and share it on social media.

As a small business owner, you probably have a lot of information to share with your customers. Focus on topics that are relevant to your audiences, such as industry trends, product updates, and new store locations. The more interesting your content is, the more likely people will want to read it! Share these posts on Facebook so that you can reach a wider audience than just Twitter or LinkedIn followers. If possible add images to each post; this will help increase engagement rates even further (upwards of 2x). It’s also important for consistency across all channels – use the same profile picture across all social media channels and email marketing emails so users recognize who they’re talking to! Finally make sure that there’s a strong introduction at the top of the page explaining what kind it is: “This is my company’s website” or “Welcome back! This week we’ll be covering topic X.”

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Invite friends and family to like your Facebook business page before launching to the public

Invite friends and family to like your Facebook business page before launching it to the public.

To help increase likes, you can send a personalized invitation out via email or text message. If you have this information, use it!

It’s important to note that if you don’t know who your customers are yet, it’s not appropriate to bother them with this request at this stage of your relationship-building process. You’ll want to save those invitations for when they’re ready to purchase something from you or hear more about what it is that you do.

Using Facebook for digital marketing is simple as long as you know what you're doing

If you’re new to Facebook, the best way to get started is by creating an official business page for your brand. While this may feel like an intimidating task, it’s actually pretty simple—just follow these steps:

  • Go to the “Pages” section of your Facebook account and click on the “Create Page” button at the top right of your screen.
  • Fill out all required information about your company and make sure that your profile picture and cover photo (one image will be used as both) are clear, high-quality images that accurately portray what your company does or sells—this is especially important if you want customers who aren’t familiar with social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter to find their way back to those platforms later on down the line!
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We hope that these tips have given you a better understanding of what it takes to market your business on Facebook. The key is to approach it like any other aspect of marketing, which means having a plan and being consistent in your execution. It also doesn’t hurt that Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world right now (with over 2 billion users). If you’re looking for more information on how to get started with digital marketing through Facebook or other platforms, check out our blog posts below!

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