Design website; how-to techniques!​

Design website - Introduction

Design website is how to create and edit web pages and also how to upload and link them together. Additionally, to build a functional website requires skills which shall be valuable as your web page grows and changes.

Furthermore, an effective website is the most powerful way to get your content in front of new people, and it’s an incredible resource for anyone who wants to get more out of their business.

In this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about designing a functional website by choosing a domain name; selecting a web host and platform; pages and articles; keyword; Google Analytics.

Design website; Choose a Domain Name to start with!

Hosting your website with the right domain name is critical to your online success. Take into consideration domain name is how people will find you on the internet. Therefore, it’s important to choose a name that represents your business and brand well.

Google got a great help to build your domain name . It also offers tips on choosing a domain name for you website design or blog. In addition to some handy tools for brainstorming good names!

Design website; Choose a hosting:

Choosing a web host can be difficult, but it’s an important decision. Need to bring to your attention that you are investing in building and designing a functional website. In this regard,  you want to make sure you have the best possible hosting service.

Many people think about price first when choosing a host, but they should really be considering three things:


#Features, and 

#Customer support.

If you choose a good host with all three of these things, then price won’t matter as much. There are very good hosts, which also provide domain registration like GoDaddyBlueHostFastComet.

Number of pages while designing a functional website

It’s understandable that you would want to have more pages on your functional website. After all, more content generally means more traffic, right? Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

While it may seem like a good idea to have more pages while designing a functional website. However, having too many pages might actually hurt your traffic in the long run. That’s because Google has changed its search algorithm to favor high-quality content over quantity. So creating a ton of low-quality content will actually hurt your chances of ranking well in search results.

As a rule of thumb, it is generally between 10-30 pages for small and medium companies. Hence, well-crafted pages should get the website up the ladder in google search mechanism.

Design website around content!

Most of the time, when someone asks what content a functional website should have during the design phase. That means they are really asking what are some types of content are most valuable to the people who visit the site. Accordingly, you need to answer the following questions:

  #  What are some types of content that can boost traffic and engagement?

  #  How do I create these kinds of content? Check this out.

  #  What does it take to write for this audience? Basically; a website should have

         1. About us

        2. Contact us

        3.  Home page

In order to increase your rank on google search; you will need to write articles of your business. Additionally; show-case the projects that your business have accomplished.

Design website; Choosing focused keyword(s)

Choosing the right keyword for your post(s) is very important. You have to check this keyword on google, to see how many people search it every day. In case you have a low traffic niche, it is better not to use that particular keyword. Alternatively, choose a high traffic keyword which will bring you huge traffic. Furthermore, look for less competitive keywords to be included while designing websites. 

If you are writing for a business related niche, you should look for keywords which are used by potential customers searching for products or services.

For example if you are writing about “how to design a functional website”, you should use keywords like “design website”, “website build”, “how to build a website”

Design website; Fine-tune the keyword(s) selection

Once you have chosen the topic, it’s time to fine tune the keyword selection. To do so, you will need to use a keyword research tool. You can try out Google Keyword Planner or simply use your favorite search engine for this purpose.

Upon choosing the right keywords, you can start writing an outline for your blog post (page).

Start writing the page(s) content that should build website

Now that we have an outline for our article or page. Next step is to start writing. Take into consideration not to lose track of your outline, because it will be your guide as you finish writing the page.

Write at least 1000 words on the topic. Make sure you include all points from your outline and expand on them.

When you’re finished with a first draft, run a spell check on your article using a tool like Grammarly. Then, leave a copy of your article overnight and go back to it with fresh eyes in the morning. You’ll catch lots!

Optimize the content for search engines to crawl website

Search engines are the primary way that people find content. Additionally, you can’t expect any of your content to get found if you don’t optimize it for search engines.

SEO is a process, not an event. It involves ongoing keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. If you can do these things well, you can get huge traffic boosts from search engines. Designing a functional website is a big job, optimizing it is a different skill.

To make it even simpler WordPress got a lot of tools that shall help you achieve those tasks effectively.

Connect your website with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free service provided by Google which you can use to track and measure traffic on your website. In addition to monitor your website interaction.

It’s a very powerful tool and it’s essential for any website owner, designer, or blogger in 202X, and beyond.

If you want to know how many users your website gets. What search terms they use to find your site. Which pages they prefer when they visit. Where they come from (search engines, social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter, organic traffic). Answers to those questions and more by adding Google Analytics’ tag to your website.

If all above steps building website are completed, you will need to:

You will need to publish your pages after completion and revisions. 

List your website with search engines as google (Google search console), Bing, and Yahoo.

Perform off page optimization that includes white-hat backlinks.

Promote your website and pages using all digital marketing tools and social media accounts.

Monitor the flow using Google Analytics.

Ongoing fine-tuning, adjustment, and optimization.

After being ranked in google you may start promoting your products with different tools and techniques.

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